About us

4701 N. Federal Highway Suite 450 Pompano Beach, Fl 33064
Phone : (954) 913-5121
Email : info@healmemassage.com
We are professional massage therapists licensed in the State of Florida and fellow associates of FSMTA (Florida State Massage Therapy Association). Our staff is made up of highly educated therapists who are committed in a continuous process of research and improvement of new techniques, discoveries and therapeutic possibilities to offer a better care to our clients.
We are currently located in the Pompano Beach area and it is our main goal to offer a natural alternative for healing and pain relief treatments by boosting natural resources of the human body through manual stimulation of neural key points and proper pressure on muscles, joints and nerves. These techniques have been proven to be successful in healing problems associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, stress, frozen shoulders, lower back pain, swollen extremities, stiff neck, chronic pain and other common illnesses.
The service “Heal Me Massage” offers not only includes physical treatments but spiritual too, because we are conscious that our mind is linked to our body and therefore, an effective treatment must always include both.
Integrity and morality are two outstanding values that also support our company, so respect to our clients is always a must. Hence, our service is strictly focused on therapeutic healing not in techniques that may lead to sexual harassment.
Meet the Heal Me Massage Team!